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“Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.”
~ Bryan Stevenson
To reduce recidivism, Nabors Coaching Group LLC offers an in-person re-entry program called “New Beginnings.” We believe that re-entry begins before release and the work must begin from the inside out. By helping inmates “look” at themselves in the face of their current conditions, they acknowledge what brought them -- or keeps bringing them -- to prison. They are led through practical exercises that build the life skills necessary to build their future. Ultimately, the New Beginnings Program helps inmates understand their purpose, vision, and most importantly, develop a plan upon their release.

New Beginnings is a two-week intensive program. The life skills-driven curriculum emphasizes the importance of personal-social development. Our methodology includes aspects of emotional intelligence which teaches the importance of self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship management. If you don’t know who you are, you don’t know where you are going. If you don’t know where you are going, you can’t create the space to be socially aware. If you aren’t socially aware, you can create and manage healthy relationships.
One of the unique aspects of our program is community collaboration. In order to make effective change, we approach this intensive inner work from the perspective of “it takes a village.” We are intentional about our collaboration with community partners. These partners offer inmates a face, name, and organization of support upon their immediate release. Research shows that one of the major contributing factors to reoffending or probation violations is the lack of knowledge of and access to community resources. An inmate’s journey continues well beyond the intensive two-week program. By matching graduates with community partners, we address many of the underlying issues that cause recidivism.
The New Beginnings program focuses on serving inmates who are soon to be released -- typically 60-90 days -- into their respective communities. Former inmates struggle with a criminal background and other factors that impede their ability to successfully transition from incarceration into probation. The tangible and intangible challenges often include:
Overcoming the emotional impact of imprisonment
Working on the social challenges relating to people, places, and things
Reintegrating with family, children and significant other
Obtaining proper documentation (i.e., State Identification, Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, etc.)
Securing safe housing
Landing self-sufficient employment
Reestablishing public benefits
Receiving adequate clothing and personal hygiene products
For those who have never landed in prison or have lived a straight-and-narrow life, it’s easy to judge these inmates. Yet we’ve found there are a myriad of circumstances that contribute to their incarceration.
Returning to one’s community from jail is a complex transition for most offenders, families and communities. Many are likely to battle relapses into substance abuse or having difficulty overcoming their lack of healthy support systems, inadequate education, or access to safe housing or resources to address mental health issues. The New Beginnings Program starts an inmate's journey before release. By providing the self-development and social tools they need to rise above their circumstances, former inmates can build a new and productive life outside the prison system.