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" There are three things that are extremely hard,
steel, diamonds and to know thyself "
~ Benjamin Franklin
Leadership training in corrections is no different than that of the corporate world. Changing the system goes beyond helping inmates, it includes developing and training leaders within the prison system. Like most companies, in order to create a trusting environment that cultivates showing up to spaces as a learner it requires us to engage from a place of authenticity. While most leadership is enforced from a top-down approach in order to become effective, it needs reinforcement throughout and across the organization.
Leadership is not about your level of responsibility, the title you hold, or the size of your paycheck. It’s about your impact and influence on others. Leadership is also about fostering and cultivating diversity and inclusion. Leaders ensure all voices are heard, people are seen, and all feel they belong. I work with aspiring leaders who are interested in getting REAL - Recognize, Explore, Adapt, and Live -- using a framework that I developed to accelerate growth and master new skills.
In large part, we want to speak to issues that leaders are experiencing in the workplace (e.g., frustration over-incarceration cycle, retaining motivated team, burnout, desire to resolve bigger social issues). Encourage courageous conversations, especially relevant to deeply rooted social issues revolving around cycles of over-incarceration, retaining motivated teams, addressing burnout and aiding in addressing and/or resolving bigger social issues.
The training can be customized to meet the needs of agencies. Coaching is designed to help when:
Transitioning into a new role, taking on increased responsibilities, or seeking new opportunities
Needing to make changes as a result of positive or negative feedback
Recognizing self-sabotaging behaviors and creating new patterns
Resolving skill gaps in yourself or within your team visioning for the future
Situational leadership
Team building and empowering employees
Assessing organizational cultures
Ethics, loyalty, and professionalism
Managing and leading change
Practicing creativity and fostering innovation
Leadership development planning
Engaging in courageous conversations, especially relevant to deeply rooted social issues